Monday, 28 April 2014

Exam Time

During the revision period it is very hard to fall into unhealthy bad habits.

I for example

  • Eat way too much junk food. It is way simpler to just nip into greggs and get a steak bake or to subway for a foot long, when you're putting in long hours at the library.
  • The same goes for when you do finally go home having hibernated within the confines of the library all day. You're too tired to cook anything properly so in goes a frozen pizza or ready meal.
  • But probably worse is the constant snacking of sweets and crisps at your desk while you study. You don't even realise you have eaten an entire chocolate bar until all you feel is the wrapper. It is a devastating feeling.
  • Potentially the worse in terms of health is the smoking. I admit I smoke on occasion. Especially when I am stressed.

However these unhealthy and bad habits are not only bad for your overall health but also for you bank balance and as a struggling student with two jobs,money is almost constantly tight.

  • Making your meals in the morning or night before a library session will save you so much money. Yes you might be craving that wrap in the deli but it does cost £4 and your sandwich costs 80p to make. They both fill you up at the end of the day. Treat yourself after exams.
  • Buying frozen chicken and vegetables are an alternative to the fresh stuff. Not as goodbut miles better than a ready meal, especially if you buy the plain breasts of chicken and grill them.
  • Healthy snacks such as celery,cucumber and carrots with dips like homous or sweet chilli hit all the same cravings and fill you up better. For those who crave sugar, have a bowl of fruit. Careful not too much or the sugar will get your teeth.
  • And finally running. Go for a run instead of stress smoking. All the same feelings but without feeling like a chimney and smelling like Dot Branning.

These are my changes that I will be applying to my diet and regime over the examination diet. Good luck.

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